Hey, I am Neel, a CS PhD student in the USC Theory Group, where I am very lucky to be advised by Shaddin Dughmi and David Kempe. I was very fortunate to work as a Research Intern at Google Research Mountain View during the Summer of 2024 hosted by Kshipra Bhawalkar in the Market Algorithm’s Team. Currently, I am a part-time Student Researcher at Google Research.

I am broadly interested in Combinatorial Optimization in the presence of Uncertainty or Incentives, Algorithmic Contract Theory and Computational Economics. Recently, I have been also working on problems in designing (fast) Dynamic Algorithms for Graph Problems. I am also interested in designing AI/ML algorithms with the consideration of ethical aspects.

Before starting my Ph.D., I spent wonderful one and a half years at the National University of Singapore as a Research Assistant working with Yair Zick and Reza Shokri. Before that, I completed my B.Stat at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.

You can find my updated CV here


(11) Near-Optimal (1 + ε)-Approximate Fully-Dynamic All-Pairs Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs [Conf. version] [(Full version upon request)]
Arnold Filtser, Gramoz Goranci, Neel Patel and Maximilian Probst Gutenberg
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2024)

(10) Limitations of Stochastic Selection Problems with Pairwise Independent Priors [Paper]
Shaddin Dughmi, Yusuf Kalyaci and Neel Patel
Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2024)

(9) On Supermodular Contracts and Dense Subgraphs [Paper]
Shaddin Dughmi, Neel Patel, Aditya Prasad and Ram Deo-Campo Vuong
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2024)

(8) Combinatorial Stationary Prophet Inequalities [Paper]
Neel Patel, and David Wajc
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2024)

(7) Sparsification of Stochastic Packing Problem [Paper]
Shaddin Dughmi, Yusuf Kalyaci and Neel Patel
International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming (ICALP 2023)

(6) Delegated Pandora’s Box [Paper] [Talk]
Curtis Bechtel, Shaddin Dughmi and Neel Patel
ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC 2022)

(5) Model Explanations with Differential Privacy [Paper]
Neel Patel, Reza Shokri and Yair Zick
ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT 2022)

(4) High Dimensional Explanation for Black-Box Models: Axiomatic Approach [Paper]
Neel Patel, Martin Strobel and Yair Zick
ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT 2021)

(3) The Price is (Probably) Right: Learning Market Equilibria From Samples [Paper]
Omer Lev, Neel Patel, Vignesh Viswanathan and Yair Zick
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021)

(2) Discrete Richman-bidding scoring games [Paper]
Urban Larsson, Neel Patel, Ravi Kant Rai
International Journal of Game Theory 1-34

(1) Keeping Your Friends Close: Land Allocation with Friends [Paper]
Edith Elkind, Neel Patel, Alan Tsang and Yair Zick
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020)

*Author list is alphabetical unless mentioned.


  1. Teaching Assistant for CSCI 675, Convex and Combinatorial Optimization (Fall 2023)
  2. Teaching Assistant for CSCI 170, Discrete Methods in Computer Science (Summer 2023)
  3. Teaching Assistant for CSCI 270, CS270, Introduction to Algorithms and the Theory of Computing (Fall 2022)
  4. Teaching Assistant for CSCI 270, CS270, Introduction to Algorithms and the Theory of Computing (Fall 2021)


  1. Aditya Prasad (Undergraduate Student at USC CS)
  2. Ram Deo-Campo Vuong (Undergraduate Student at USC CS)